We're Here To Help!

Getting Support

You can obtain support by phone or by filling out the form below. Your concierge will receive your request, confirm the details and ensure that it gets addressed by the right team members.

There is no additional charge for your concierge; the concierge service is included in your support package, and concierge activities (communication, support ticket creation, team coordination) are not counted against the hours included in your support package.

If you have a general question about our services please use the contact us form to ask. If we don't have the solution, we can usually tell you who does.

Request Hourly Web Support

To make sure you aren't a spammer or hacker, please answer this reCaptcha challenge.

Ongoing Support Packages

Select one of our standard offerings, or we can tailor a custom support package to suit your needs.

Each plan includes one or more hours of dedicated time per month for work on your website, and a service-level agreement for support availability. Unused hours do not accrue or carry forward, but will be used for site maintenance and optimization at the developers' discretion.

View our Support Packages

These support offerings are an extension of services included with INNO Software's site hosting plans. They are also available independently.

View INNO Hosting Packages


You're only billed for what you get! Tasks are tallied in quarter-hour increments, and at hourly rates commensurate with the technical difficulty of the task. Content production and copy writing are billed at $30/hour, training and research at $50/hour and development (front-end OR server-side) is billed at $100/hour.